
Experimental program on the specialty "Nursing"

April 25, 2022 153

In order to implement the National Program of the Action Plan of the Program of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on the protection of public health and the development of the healthcare system for 2019-2030 "A healthy person is a prosperous country", the Program for the Development of Nursing Education for 2019-2023, as well as increasing the role of nursing specialists affairs and improving the quality of medical services in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Health issued order No. 484 dated April 19, 2022 on the introduction of an experimental program in the specialty "Nursing" of secondary vocational education. It should be noted that 4 colleges were approved as pilots in the experimental curriculum in the specialty "Nurse Medicine": Bishkek Medical College, Tokmok Medical College, Naryn Medical College and Uzgen International Medical College. According to the decree, from the new academic year 2022, these colleges will accept applicants for the experimental program.
The pilot program for the specialty "Nursing" is implemented with the support of the MER project to reform nursing education in Kyrgyzstan.