
“Кыргыз Республикасында медициналык билим берүүнүн реформалары” долбоорунун жыйынтыктоочу конференциясы

November 12, 2024 361

The Chairman of the association and the directors of 5 pilot medical colleges took part in the final conference of the project "Reforms of medical education in the Kyrgyz Republic", held on November 12, 2024 in Bishkek. At the conference, local and international partners and donors discussed the progress of the project over the past 10 years, as well as the prospects for the future and the sustainability of the results achieved.

The Association of Medical Colleges of Kyrgyzstan expressed deep gratitude to the Embassy of the Swiss state, the Mer project and for the contribution to the reform of nursing education, project director Bruno Labke, former project director Louis Lutan, international dobora expert Brigita Skele Savich, head of the local project team Gulzat Sabyrbekovna Orozalieva and project coordinator Altynai Kasymbekovna Mambetova were awarded the Certificate of Honor of the association. And the Swiss Embassy presented letters of thanks to the directors of 5 pilot colleges.

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